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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mentor-G Basic Trainer ARF

Maxford USA
By: Frank Granelli

Maxford USA, famous for its high-quality line of unusual scale ARF aircraft, has recently introduced another unusual airplane, the Mentor-G Basic Trainer. The “G” stands for “Gasoline” as the Mentor is designed to use a 26cc class gasoline-fueled engine. The larger powerplant enables the Mentor-G to be larger and easier to see and fly than are most Basic Trainers.

This highly prefab ARF spans 83 inches with 1,187 sq. in. of wing area. That’s 1,187 square inches of wing in case you missed it the first time. Very few Basic Trainer ARF aircraft reach anywhere near this size; if any actually do. As Sport Aviator has learned from its testing of .60-sized glow-engine trainers, the larger airplanes are easier to fly and to see.

Since the Mentor-G is about 14% larger than 60 size trainers, maybe it will be 14% easier to fly? We’ll find out about that during the flight tests but one thing is for very sure right now. Since the engine burns gasoline instead of expensive glow fuel, the Mentor-G is certainly going to be lots cheaper to fly.  Full Review And Construction Here

1 comment:

  1. The Mentor-G is designed as a trainer and for RC pilots who want to use a fuel-efficient gas-powered engine. The Mentor-G is also an excellent test-bed for your first-flights with a new engine, and it is a simple, easy flyer for when you simply want to do some relaxed and economical flying. It is also a good trainer ARF with floats on water.nitrotek.fr


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